Where have I been? And what have I been up to?
It’s a long story and I don’t even know where to start.
Let’s just say my life has been a series of unpredictable events.
But to cut it short, I stopped blogging when I came here to Qatar then pandemic happened, which created a huge shift in everybody’s life, and then COVID hit my family, don’t worry we recovered that’s why I was able to write this article.
It didn’t stop there, the world started opening again, the World Cup was held in Qatar, then things shifted again post-World cup in Qatar, And many other good and bad things in between.
That’s it for this blog thanks for reading.
Just kidding.
To be honest my life these past years has been a series of changes.
It was chaotic.
And these changes affected me I got overwhelmed, closed myself down, and retreated back to my own shell.
There was a time when I didn’t want to start anything because I felt like things were going to change again anyway.
But that was me before.
As I navigated life, I took the time to reflect and learn more about self-care, patience, and resilience.
Slowly, I started adapting to these changes, and one of the good signs of it?
I’ve started blogging again.
Although I had to start from scratch what’s important for me right now is that I choose to start again.
So that’s what’s been happening in my life lately.
Starting Again.
Starting my blog.
Don’t get me wrong writing is still a challenge for me and just like before one of the reasons why I created a blog is so that I can improve my writing but more than that I created this blog so I can share my experience, thoughts, and my journey to self-discovery. Although I’m a little bummed that I couldn’t recover the www.verzotyle.com domain.
I’m also starting to learn new skills.
Started meeting new people.
Starting to rediscover myself.
And starting to embrace changes and the unknown.
I learned to accept that life is a roller coaster ride. I’m just glad that amidst the ups and downs, there are always valuable lessons waiting to be uncovered and these lessons helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around us.
I also learned to be grateful for every experience and blessing that I receive and take things one step at a time.
How about you? How have you been latelyI’m sure your also experiencing a lot of changes in your life lately, after all change is the only constant in life. Share your experiences with change, how you’ve coped with it, and the unexpected blessings that may have come from embracing the unknown.
And that’s all for this blog.
See you on my next post.
Love and Light,